Goblet's Journal

Goblet's Journal


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7 entries this month

Watch Your Six

12:07 Oct 26 2005
Times Read: 604

Make my day

Put that gun to my face

It's not like you haven't done it before

Only this time, Im not afraid

You only encourage me now.

I see your face

The eyes I've seen a thousand times

I know your thoughts

Every glance you make

Becasue I know who you are.

Let me give you the wings

The ones you really deserve

How many bullets can I have?

Are you sure about this?

Because I'm sure I can kill you

If I have to.

So make my day

Throw it away

Either put it down,

Or I'm going to be crying over you

Six feet above your satin

With one pillow

And no crown.




Letters Home

04:52 Oct 26 2005
Times Read: 606

I read your letters

My ducts open

My head hears your voice

But it's not the same anymore

To hear them from your own lips

And hear them with my ears.

Your voice is stale in my head

Over the phone almost dead

But I know you

So we are one of two

In soul and mind

From when the energies grind

To create an illussive aura.

Rubber bands around your words

Locked in the backpack

Hanging on the coat rack

To keep track of all the graphite

And spilling all your secret lies

Confessions of love and appologies.

I wait alone

Sleeping in the spot you used to

In a large cage of blue velvet

And white wood

Laying upon the million pillows

And wearing your shirt

Curling into a ball on them lonely cold nights

Trying to rid myself of dispare that wallows.

Long walks in and out of town

Rides in cars where I clame throne

Turning away ashamed at lovers

Waiting until the bottled cork can open

With bubbles exploding and the euphoria

Until the beast inside has quenched

The intence thirst

And the sulfuric moon cleanses.




Shattered By Truth

01:41 Oct 20 2005
Times Read: 613

You look like poison

From whence the light shone

Where best to hide your evil,

But in pleasant person?

Creating me to Fortune's fool

Unravel the innocence to shave light

Dare I serve the spool?

A danger in believing

Through the looking glass we smite ourselves

A trick into dismay

This plague of discreet

Upon the world I've drawn about me

Standing so strong

Only to collaps at the drop of a hat

When the wind...

Blows its hornets nest

Hallellujah, my dear.

Your words of empty space

And illussionary stars

Tapping the gloss behind blue glass

Holding the rain

Don't let me fall

Even though i can see your darkness rising

Slow me down.

I fell for a universe

Toasted lightly

You've been a blessing

And a curse

Stubornly classical in your smile of fangs

To hide the wolf you bed me with

To swing as a pendulum swings.

Weep at the stree stump

Where wilting flowers bloom in the golden rays

Too distant to hear the babe wails.





01:26 Oct 14 2005
Times Read: 629

I remember the good ol' days

Sitting in the wind by the wall

Maybe on the trussle thinking

Stareing at a house full of stoner memories

Long before the plywood went up

Long before the shadows fell

Seriously after pulling the tears back in my eyes

Where were we when things were so obvious?

Do you remember all the silent times?

Taking care of graves and holding things back?

The journey was long and forked so many ways

What happened to the good ol' days?

I remember all the laughter we had

Thrashing around and three to a bed

Simple times and them hard hearts

Waiting for an absolution that was unnessicary

To the devil we won

Many faces drove us by as we stood to cry

Wondering where the whispers would come from

In the days of harmless smiles

And times of livin' it up in hell

Saving the weed and grabbing the booze

When the sun would set, we would come alive

Almost seems like the good ol' times has died.

I remember the good days.

I remember all the talks at graves

I remember promises of friendships and lies

Do you remember the good ol' ways?




Chad's Poem#2

21:49 Oct 10 2005
Times Read: 630

This broken day will come and go

Broken and battered with nothing to show

Cold this be the lbetter part of my life?

Something to hold on to white knuckle tight

I wait for something real

The sound of your voice, i hear it in the air

Too many questions with no clear choice

On my mind are the clouds in you sky

Will they rain down on the day that I shine?

I'd get down on my knees, with open wrists begging please

Oh won't you be my angel of sweet nothing

All that was said about the feelings I've bled

I was just your little lie

I've grown so tried of living this lie

I want to disappear, my pedaled flower, my finest hour.




Chad's Poem#1

21:42 Oct 10 2005
Times Read: 631

He stands alone at the edge of a vast killing field.

Looking over the dead, weighing his loses,

For they are great

Yet he is the only one standing

The air is thick with the smell of blood and cold steal

He hears thier moans and screams of pain, for some have not yet met thier fate

As he slowly gathers his thoughts,

He feels great sadness

This sadness is growing

This war raged on for too long,

Staying concious is harder now as time passes on

He now stops to ask this only question

He can see what his love for her has unleashed

A war,

A war for her love

But in the gaining of his power over man

He has no passion to love

Even with his victory he has lost everything

Now with his question asked,

Wwas she ever really worth this pain?




21 Bells

21:07 Oct 01 2005
Times Read: 636

Lost inside the hallow features of me

Inside the fantasy of your docile mind

Hateing everything within your bent cells

Hopeing you'll hate me too, so you'll unwind

Here I am, ringing 21 bells


Call me a herotic accused

What the spices won't say

To you, they call me the Witch in death

Opening my arms to the charges of the Truth

Selling the Truth back in decay

Passing before the hierogliphics of godliness

Hearing how it's cleanliness and an open portal to Heaven

Gaping open the dotted line an old angel showed me

As I crept over the crypt to by Beloved

Dancing with Hecate in her white cone


I rang 21 Bells today

Rang 21 shades of Orders my way

21 bells of Herocy

Banished from Peter's rosery

Here is my alter where you see me falter

Where did you go today to make me pay?



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